AFS® D Water Purification System

Cost-effective solution for analyzers with degassed pure water needs of up to 320 Liters daily


CLRW quality

AFS® D Systems provide a cost-effective, low maintenance water purification solution for analyzers with degassed pure water needs up to 320 L daily. AFS® D systems combine complementary water purification techniques; Complete pretreatment, advanced reverse osmosis (RO), Q-Gard® polishing pack, exposure to a bactericidal UV lamp, degassing, and final 0.22 µm filtration ensure a reliable and consistent water quality
. Water produced by the systems complies with the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute® (CLSI) guideline for clinical laboratory reagent water (CLRW)

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. Depending on daily volume needs, different production flow rates are available (8 and 16 L/h).

The systems are designed to fulfill accreditation needs (such as CAP™ 15189 accreditation to the ISO® 15189:2007 standard), and have full monitoring and water quality archiving capabilities that allow storage of up to six months of data. Activation of Millitrack® Essential e-Solution allows easy, rapid access to this information and also enhances data management control and provides remote system access .

User friendly & easy maintenance

Robust AFS® D systems require little maintenance, which means less analyzer downtime. Systems have a small footprint and can be installed wherever it is convenient in the laboratory: on a wall, on or under the bench, or on a cart. AFS® D systems are customizable with a wide range of options and accessories, including reservoirs, a sanitization kit and an aeration kit. Optimized lifetimes for the systems’ pretreatment and polishing packs, as well as low feed water consumption make AFS® D systems a cost-effective choice.